Previous year question paper for IE (B-TECH mechanical engineering 6th)

Industrial engineering

Previous year question paper with solutions for Industrial engineering from 2012 to 2013

Our website provides solved previous year question paper for Industrial engineering from 2012 to 2013. Doing preparation from the previous year question paper helps you to get good marks in exams. From our IE question paper bank, students can download solved previous year question paper. The solutions to these previous year question paper are very easy to understand.


Introduction: Definition and scope of industrial engineering Role of an industrial engineering Role of an industrial engineer in industry, Functions of industrial engineering department and its organization, Qualities of an industrial engineer.

2. Plant Layout and Material Handling: Different types of layouts viz. Product, process and combination layouts, Introduction to layouts based on the GT, JIT and cellular manufacturing systems, Development of plant layout. Types of material handling equipment, relationship of material handling with plant layouts.

3. Work-study: Areas of application of work study in industry; Method study and work measurements and their inter-relationship. Reaction of management and labour to work study; Role of work study in improving plant productivity and safety.

4. Method Study : Objectives and procedure for methods analysis: Select, Record, Examine, Develop, Define, Install and Maintain. Recording techniques, Micromotion and macro-motion study: Principles of motion economy, Normal work areas and work place design.

5. Work Measurement : Objectives, Work measurement techniques - time study, work sampling, pre-determined motion time standards (PMTS) Determination of time standards. Observed time, basic time, normal time, rating factors, allowances, standard time.

6. Value Engineering : Types of values, concept of value engineering, phases of value engineering studies, application of value engineering.

7. Work design : Concepts of job enlargement, job enrichment and job rotation. Effective job design considering technological and behavior factors.

8. Ergonomics : Introduction to ergonomic considerations in designing man-machine systems with special reference to design of displays and controls.
